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Cancellation Policy
Unfortunately, we have been experiencing an increasing number of appointments either missed or cancelled with less than 1 business day’s notice. We are very happy that our reputation in Mission is one that has us seeing an increased number of happy clients every year. With more clients looking to schedule appointments with one of our professionals, some new clients are having to wait up to 2 weeks for an appointment and existing clients may have to take appointment times that are less than ideal for their schedules. It is frustrating when someone does not show for an or cancels an appointment with too little notice for us to offer it to someone else (that person could also be you in the future that needs an quick appointment). This has caused us to set up a cancellation policy.
If an appointment is cancelled with less than 1 business day’s notice: A $30 cancellation fee will be applied unless it is the first ‘offence’ and there is a valid reason.
If an appointment is missed: All future appointments will may be cancelled. A $30 cancellation fee will be applied and payable immediately. Further appointments will be scheduled after the cancellation fee is paid (either by phone using Visa or MC, or in person using Debit or cash. 3rd party payers do not cover cancellation fees.